Submitting a mailing list
Submit your mail file in excel with the following fields:
- Company
- Salutation/First/Middle/Last/Suffix (these can be one field or separate fields)
- Address 1
- Address 2
- City/State/Zip (these may be one field or separate fields)
Remove any fields not needed for mailing purposes and check that all columns containcorrect information. Errors can result in extra charges for fixing files or may cause addressing issues.
Mailing Permit options
- First Class
- Standard
- Non-Profit
Duplicate Addresses
Tri-State can handle duplicates a number of ways:
- Remove only exact duplicate names and addresses from the list (this is our standard policy)
- Send one per address (when sending one per address the mail goes to the first person in the list at that address)
- Send one per household (for example: The Wright Household)
Undeliverable addresses
There will be a portion of the list that comes back as “undeliverable” for many different reasons, i.e. spelling errors, no street number etc. Occasionally this mail will make its way to the end customer but many times it does not. Our standard is to not mail to these addresses. If you would like us to mail to undeliverable addresses please let us know when you submit your list.
Pre-Sorted Mail Option
We process all presorted mail through NCOA (National Change of Address) unless specifically requested by the customer. Please contact us if your list has not been updated in the past two years.
If you do not want your list to be run through NCOA “Or current resident” will need to be added to the mailing address.
Please note:
Although all lists are filtered through mail clean-up processes, there will still be some addresses that cannot be updated on our end. Keeping your list as up-to-date as possible can help to ensure the most accurate mail results.
Any changes you wish to make to your list after the initial mail sort will require the entire list to be re-processed, resulting in an additional sort fee.
After list cleaning, we will provide results that will aid in updating your list.